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CECAN Seminar: Can We Have Our Cake and Eat It Post-Brexit? Effective Regulation Without Redtape?

London, 6 Dec 2017, 1pm
Henry Leveson-Gower

Wednesday 6th December 2017, 13:00 – 14:00, BEIS, 1 Victoria Street, London

Presenter: Henry Leveson-Gower, CECAN Research Fellow

Seminar Overview:

New methodological perspectives, from economics and other disciplines, and research into practice are suggesting more effective approaches to regulation that could also avoid escalatory pressures towards red tape. This seems to require us to rethink dichotomies between tough and light touch regulation. Henry Leveson-Gower has looked at the case of the Water Industry – in particular the role and prevalence of trust – through interviews and a survey as part of a research fellowship at CECAN. He will present his results and their potential implications for future regulation.

Presenter Biography:

Henry is a research fellow at the Centre for the Evaluation of Complexity Across the Nexus at the University of Surrey, UK. His research interest is in applying pluralist economics approaches to exploring approaches to regulating complex systems within the water-energy-food nexus.  He also works on water policy in the UK Dept of Environment (Defra).  He has lead reform of the water abstraction regulation system from its initial conception some 7 years ago.  Prior to joining Defra, he had extensive experience of working as an economist informing environmental policy and regulation in the public and private sector both nationally and internationally.  As an economist, he has taken a particular interest in applying innovative methods and analysis to inform policy and regulation such as using Agent Based Models.  As well as being trained as an economist, he is a qualified chartered accountant and has a degree in philosophy. He is also a fellow of the RSA.

**Registration at 12.45pm, please bring photo ID, your Eventbrite ticket and your own refreshments.

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