Friday 4th May 2018, 10am – 11am BST
Presenter: Dr Martine Barons, Director of the Applied Statistics & Risk Unit at Warwick University
Webinar Overview:
Household food security is a classic complex system. Countries that are food secure when viewed at country-scale may nevertheless have considerable food security problems at household scale. Furthermore, local government wishing to design policies to ameliorate food insecurity and poverty for its citizens may find that their administrative boundaries cut across social boundaries and the areas covered by agencies required to collaborate may be misaligned.
In order to provide decision support of local government, we have developed a method that networks together relevant data sources, models and expert opinions to evaluate candidate policies’ relative effectiveness before implementation. The hard thinking required by stakeholders to fully populate this integrating decision support system and use it to compare and them select policies, can be leveraged to guide interim and end-of project evaluation.
Martine is the Director of the Applied Statistics and Risk Unit at Warwick University.
How to Join:
This talk will take part via GoToWebinar – please register for a place via the following link.
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